Pharmacognostic Standardization of Biophytum Sensitivum Dc

Published: May 5, 2017


  • ManishaDepartment of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Sonipat-131001, India
  • Kumar SureshDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug research, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002, India
Biophytum sensitivum, Heavy Metal Analysis, Microbial Load, Pesticide residue


Biophytum sensitivum DC. (Family – Oxalidaceae) is a traditional drug used in treating various ailments especially in mental disorders. The present study was envisaged to establish pharmacognostic standards of the plant so that authentic plant can be selected for research purpose. Heavy metal content, microbial load, aflatoxins contamination and pesticide residues were also examined to substantiate the standardization data. Transverse section of the root was cut and showed the presence of root hair, cork, cortex, pericyclic region, vascular bundles and pith whereas the stem showed the presence of trichomes, cork, cortex, pericylic fibres, xylem and phloem. Alcohol soluble extractive value was slightly higher than water soluble extractive values. Total ash, water soluble ash, acid-insoluble ash and sulphated ash were found to be 8.80, 5.26, 1.90 and 0.35% w/w respectively. Foreign matter, loss on drying, swelling index and foaming index were found to be nil, 8.50% w/w, nil, and less than 100 ml respectively. Microbial load, heavy metals and pesticide residues complied with the limits as described by WHO. Flavonoids, tannins, saponins, proteins and amino acids were present in the plant.


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How to Cite

Manisha, Kumar Suresh. Pharmacognostic Standardization of Biophytum Sensitivum Dc. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2017, 05, 31-40
Pharmacognostic Standardization of Biophytum Sensitivum Dc

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