Drug Repurposing Approaches for Depression: Rationale and its Clinical Experience

Published: April 10, 2023


Mimansa Kandhwal, Amarjot Kaur Grewal, Varinder Singh, Heena Khan and Thakur Gurjeet Singh

Drug discovery, Repurposing, Artificial Intelligence, Depression, Mortality


Background: Drug discovery is a very time-consuming, tedious, and expensive process lasting for about two or more decades. This complexity of the process of drug discovery and the sluggish pace at which new drugs are being discovered draw the attention of scientists to redefine the whole process with the help of drug repurposing. The usage of old drug moieties in any other disorder with all new mechanisms is defined as repurposing. Repurposing of drugs knocks out the pre-clinical phase and related studies to give that molecule a redefined purpose. Data from these studies may be used in discovering newer molecules to save human effort, time, and expenses as well.

Purpose: The complex etiology of depression and resistance to its treatment drive novel discoveries via therapeutic repurposing and pharmacological repositioning to treat this complex disorder. In addition to the reduction of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine and serotonin, additional processes like inflammation, inadequate blood flow, and neurotoxicants are also being examined as possibly implicated mechanisms.

Methods: Data was extensively collected, thoroughly reviewed and analysed from research published in the respective field.

Results: Taking into consideration the aforementioned pathways has led to the development of repurposed drugs that can be used to treat treatment-resistant depression (TRD).
Conclusions: The incorporation of artificial intelligence in drug repurposing may also enhance the chances of its success rate as it deals with data digitalization which is the main core mechanism used in drug repurposing.


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How to Cite

Mimansa Kandhwal, Amarjot Kaur Grewal, Varinder Singh, Heena Khan and Thakur Gurjeet Singh . Drug Repurposing Approaches for Depression: Rationale and its Clinical Experience. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2023, 11, 27-38
Drug Repurposing Approaches for Depression: Rationale and its Clinical Experience

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