Chemical Induced Rodent Model of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Published: November 10, 2022


  • Kavita Chauhan
  • Veerta Sharma
  • Heena Khan
  • Amarjot Kaur
  • Thakur Gurjeet Singh
Animal models, VPA, BPA, THIM, Autism


The term Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a neuro-developmental disorder that include repetitive behaviours, extremely constrained interests and deficits in social communication. In the last ten years, the numerous epidemiological papers discussing connection between autism and environmental chemical exposures has significantly increased. These findings are crucial because they focus on modifiable risk factors that may open up new possibilities for the primary prevention of the autism-related disability, which is now recognised to be more strongly related to environmental factors than was previously thought. A variety of environmental factors have been known as significant factors relevant to aetiology of ASD, such as lead and mercury (heavy metals), PCB(organic contaminant) and phthalates and BPA. The most accurate animal model of autism among all other models is valproic acid-induced autism, which can reproduce almost all of the molecular and cellular changes seen in humans with ASD. This review provide insight into various diagnostic available for autism, pathophysiology of autism and animal model of autism to develop a pharmacological therapeutic intervention for the treatment of disease.


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How to Cite

Kavita Chauhan, Veerta Sharma, Heena Khan, Amarjot Kaur and Thakur Gurjeet Singh. Chemical Induced Rodent Model of Autism Spectrum Disorders. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2022, 10, 133-139
Chemical Induced Rodent Model of Autism Spectrum Disorders

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