Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Responsibility of the Author(s)

Chitkara University Publications and its journal editorial team take a strict stance on plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data fabrication. In cases of plagiarism, we enforce a zero-tolerance policy covering all aspects of the manuscript, including the abstract, hypothesis, data points/observations, results, interpretations, summary, or conclusion. If similarity checks exceed 10%, strict action will be taken by Chitkara University Publications and the journal’s committee. This could result in a lifetime ban and withdrawal of any benefits for the author(s) and their affiliated institution/university or society in specific cases.

Responsibility of the Reviewer(s)

The Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management is a single-blind, peer-reviewed journal where editors mediate interactions between reviewers and authors. Reviewers are subject matter experts assigned by the editor to assess the quality, significance, and scientific contribution of the submitted research articles.

The reviewing process should be completed within the defined time limit without bias, as it is a professional responsibility of the reviewer. If a review cannot be completed within the given timeframe, reviewers may request an extension from the editor.

Reviewers must submit their expert comments through the online system. Please ensure that all required documents (e.g., text, figures, raw data) are available for review. If anything is missing, contact the editor directly.

For more information about reviewers’ responsibilities, please download the ethical guidelines from:

Responsibility of the Editor(s)

The editor of the journal is responsible for actively engaging with editorial board members and authors. Editors should seek assistance from the board and add members as needed. Editorial board members must review a minimum number of papers per year as required.

The editor’s main responsibilities include maintaining the journal’s standards and ensuring the publication of high-quality papers while making the journal accessible to the target audience.

Other key duties include:

  • Managing the submission process to ensure quality papers are published.
  • Providing clear instructions to authors at the time of submission.
  • Ensuring a transparent peer-review process, including clear publication policies.
  • Addressing misconduct and handling complaints appropriately.

For more details, please download the guidelines and editor responsibilities from:

Complaints System

Complaints can be submitted via email to Complaints should be specific, clear, and include a valid email address, phone number, and permanent office/home address.

Fictitious complaints without proper proof and contact details will be rejected without investigation. If a complaint meets these requirements, it will be forwarded to the editor, chief editor, and directors for further investigation by the editorial office. Complainants will receive preliminary information within two weeks after the complaint is reviewed. An investigation team, assigned by the director(s), will examine the facts and evidence provided by the complainant. The decision will be communicated to the concerned party within seven weeks by the team members.

If dissatisfied with the decision, complainants can appeal again with the same reference number directly to the director(s).

Removal of Author(s) Name after Publication

If the corresponding author requests the removal of a co-author’s name, or if a co-author requests the removal of another author’s name, a valid reason must be provided to the editorial office. The request letter should be forwarded by the concerned institution/university of the applicant requesting the name removal.

Chitkara University Publications will follow publication ethics guidelines and procedures as outlined in this flowchart:

Conflicts of Interest

Researchers seek to present truthful and original scientific findings or developments through theoretical and experimental data. In this process, researchers may work independently or as part of a group associated with an institution.

When a researcher submits a manuscript to the journal as the corresponding author, it is important to declare any competing interests. These may exist among authors, between authors and institutions, between authors and reviewers, or between authors and editors/chief editors.

Before paper submission, the corresponding author should ensure that any potential conflicts of interest are disclosed in the manuscript. Reviewers accepting papers for review must also assess potential conflicts to avoid any issues before and after the publication of the research article. The same applies to other editorial board members of the journal.

For more details on handling conflicts of interest, please refer to the resources and documents available at:


We adhere to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. For more details, please review the information at:
