A Coherent Analytical Review of Indapamide

Published: May 7, 2022


  • A.P. Rajput
  • A.P. Edlabadkar
Indapamide; Diuretic; PharmaceuticalAnalytical Profile; Review


Indapamide is a diuretic of particular importance in an antihypertensive therapeutic regime that is profoundly applied to treat hypertension. Besides using as an individual drug for its diuretic and thereby antihypertensive effect, the drug is also a part of crucial combinations with Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme inhibitors. The recent combinations of Indapamide with Perindopril and Delapril work as the best therapies for heart patients.

Considering the therapeutic and pharmaceutical importance of the drug molecule and its potential to be explored in future drug discovery and delivery, we made efforts to portray the pharmaceutical analytical profile of the drug molecule at ease.

The present article is a composition entailing the comparative and critical evaluation of the various analytical approaches explored for the pharmaceutical estimation ofIndapamide as a particular drug in combinations and pharmaceutical as well as biological matrices. The analyses are reviewed for the specificapplications of analytical methods tested Indapamide alone or with other medications.

The anticipated study revealed the comparative usage of different research techniques for Indapamide estimation. The study influences the possibility of constraints and focuses on the recent trend in Indapamide analysis. The article also provides an understanding of sample processing, drug extraction method, validation protocols/approaches, and stability studies, including but not limited to the bioanalytical perspectives.

This review can be explored thoroughly for the future analytical and pharmaceutical insights of Indapamide to the fullest.


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How to Cite

A.P. Rajput and A.P. Edlabadkar. A Coherent Analytical Review of Indapamide. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2022, 10, 21-35
A Coherent Analytical Review of Indapamide

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