Background: The future researcher will be able to improve on present platform and address the current translational and it is aware of liposomal technology advancement to obstacle that still need to resolve. Liposomes imitate natural cell membranes and have long been analyze as drug delivery carriers due to magnificent entrapment capacity, bio-compatibility and safety. Oral drug delivery via the gastrointestinal tract is the dominant route for drug administration. Liposomes carriers can increase the drug bioavailability, solubility and protect the encapsulated therapeutic agents from the extreme condition found in Gastrointestinal tract. Orally delivered liposomal carriers can enhance drug solubility and protect the encapsulated therapeutic agents from the extreme conditions found in GI tract. Liposomes, with their fluid lipid bilayer membranes and their nanoscale size, can significantly improve oral absorption. Unfortunately, the clinical application of conventional liposomes has been hindered due to their poor stability and availability under the harsh conditions typically presented in the GI tract.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is know the surface modification and target tactics for oral medication administration using liposomes. Despite the success of parenteral the liposomes oral delivery is blocked by various barriers such as instability in gastrointestinal tract difficulties in across. Perhaps substantially enhanced oral medication delivery by rectification of liposome bilayers and addition of polymers or ligands while accounting for liposome stability and permeability. To overcome this problem, the surface modification of liposomes has been investigated. Although liposomes surface modification has been extensively studied for oral drug delivery, so far no correction has been adequately integument in that topic.
Conclusion: The conclusion of overall study to overcome this problem, the surface modification of liposomes has been extensively studied for oral drug delivery.