Publication Policy

Peer-Review Policy

The research papers submitted for publication in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management follow a single-blind peer review policy. The journal editor reviews submissions after verifying plagiarism reports, assessing quality, and ensuring relevance to the journal’s scope. The editor then forwards the paper to reviewers, allowing a review period of three weeks, extendable upon request but not exceeding five weeks. Reviewers submit their reports via an online link provided by the editor.

Research articles submitted online will be acknowledged within 12 hours of submission. The corresponding author is considered the lead author and is responsible for all related manuscript work on behalf of their team (including co-authors, if any). Authors submitting manuscripts for review and publication must ensure acknowledgment of sources, particularly if financial support or funding was received from any government or non-government agency.

No Processing/Publication Fees

There are no fees charged to authors for the review, processing, or publication of research articles/review papers in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management.

Preprint ArXiv Submission Policy

Authors are encouraged to submit their preprint copies to appropriate preprint archives such as arXiv and/or IndiaRxiv, or institutional repositories (e.g., DSpace) before acceptance by the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management published by Chitkara University Publications. After publication, authors should carefully include the citation information, title, abstract, and DOI number on the relevant page of the repository in all the above-mentioned cases.

License and Copyright Policy

Chitkara University Publications, which manages the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management, protects authors’ rights, including their research results, analysis, and methodologies of theoretical calculations or experiments. The copyright form with an open-access policy under the Creative Commons license grants all rights to the author(s) except for selling or distributing the material to third parties. The copyright and license policies of Chitkara University Publications safeguard both authors’ rights and the integrity and authenticity of the scientific record, while addressing plagiarism, fraud, and ethical disputes seriously.

Articles in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management are published as Open Access under a Creative Commons Attribution-CC-BY 4.0 International License, available at This license permits the use, remixing, tweaking, and reproduction of work in any medium, including for commercial purposes, provided the original creation is credited.

View the legal code of the above-mentioned license:

View the license deed here:


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. Additionally, all research papers and related content are provided in electronic form to the National Digital Library of India (


The Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management is an open-access journal, and individual articles are freely available online at for all readers. There are no fees for viewing or downloading papers from the journal website. To receive hard copies of the journal by post, a subscription form is available for download from the website.

Revenue Sources

Chitkara University Publications follows an open-access policy, dedicated primarily to the scientific growth of society by providing free access to scientific and research material for scholars. The journal does not charge authors, advertisers, or for reprints in any form. Revenue sources are limited to hard copy subscriptions, institutional and organizational support, and special issue publications from conferences and symposiums.

Publishing Schedule

The Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management is published biannually, with issues released in May and November.

Review Process

Chitkara University Publications follows the peer review process outlined below for articles submitted to the Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology, Research and Management:

  • The editorial staff checks the originality and authenticity of each submission. Any misconduct is addressed according to the journal’s “Research Misconduct” policy.
  • The journal follows a single-blind review process, where editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors.
  • Peer reviews are facilitated by the journal but are owned by the authors of the reviews.
  • Reviewers’ reports are not published by the journal either online or offline.
Reviewers’ Policy

All submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editorial staff. Only papers that meet the journal’s editorial criteria and scope are sent for formal review. Papers deemed inappropriate are promptly rejected without external review. Manuscripts that fulfill the desired criteria are sent for formal review to two or three reviewers. After receiving the reviewers’ recommendations, editors make a decision and inform the corresponding author. Reviewers should follow the ethical guidelines defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at:

Guidelines for Journal Editor(s)

The journal adheres to COPE guidelines. For more details, please refer to the full guidelines at:
