Evaluation of Antimitotic Activity of Momordica Dioica Fruits on Allium Cepa Root Meristamatic Cells

Published: November 5, 2019


  • RA Ahirrao
  • BS Patange
  • SV More
Momordica dioica, Allium cepa, Antimitotic, Maceration and Methotrexate


Natural occurring phenolic compounds play an important role in cancer prevention and shows antimitotic activity. Number of active constituents like phenolic acid, curcuminoids, coumarine, ligans, quinones, etc. is showing antimitotic activity of Momordica dioica. The present work is on phytochemical investigation and examines antimitotic activity of aqueous extract of fruits Momordica dioica at concentration of 15 mg/ml on Allium cepa root meristamatic cells. The fruits are air dried and extracted with solvents like water by maceration method. The evaluation of antimitotic activity is done by using Allium cepa root meristamatic cells parameters where and methotrexate was used as a standard drugs. In Allium assay, aqueous extract of fruits of Momordica diocia(15 mg/ml) and methotrexate act against cells of allium roots and lesser the growth of root and mitotic index when compared with distilled water as control group. The result indicated that cytotoxic property is due to presence of phenolic, alkaloids and flavonoids compounds in 15 mg/ml concentration of aqueous extract of Momordica diocia fruits extract. On the basis of result, we concluded that, 15 mg/ml concentration of Momordica dioica fruits shows good antimitotic activity on the Allium cepa root tip assay.


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How to Cite

RA Ahirrao, BS Patange and SV More. Evaluation of Antimitotic Activity of Momordica Dioica Fruits on Allium Cepa Root Meristamatic Cells. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2019, 07, 67-71
Evaluation of Antimitotic Activity of Momordica Dioica Fruits on Allium Cepa Root Meristamatic Cells

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