Recent Advances in Lipid Nano-Carrier Systems for the Management of Inflammatory Diseases: A Comprehensive Review

Published: November 10, 2023


Kumar Anand , Sayak Khawas , Apurva Singh , Rashmi Kumari and Neelima Sharma

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Encapsulation efficiency, Inflammatory bowel disease, Lipid nanocarriers, Psoriasis, Pharmacokinetics


Background: In the past two decades, extensive research has focused on lipid nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery to treat various diseases. Among these, inflammatory conditions pose a formidable challenge in modern healthcare, encompassing a diverse spectrum from autoimmune disorders to chronic inflammation. Effective therapeutic interventions necessitate the development of targeted and efficient delivery systems to address the complexities associated with drug administration.

Purpose: This review highlights different approaches of lipid-based nanocarriers to target various inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), psoriasis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It focuses on the advancements made in Lipid Nano-Carriers (LNC) with a special emphasis on their inherent safety, lower stability costs, and enhanced encapsulation efficiency.

Methods: Recent literature has been surveyed from PUBMED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, etc., like search engines, for summarising detailed ongoing developments in the field of lipid nanocarriers
for inflammatory diseases, which could prove to be a novel carrier for efficient drug delivery with special emphasis on surface modifications, formulations, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy.

Conclusion: This review emphasizes recent researches in the field of lipid-based nano formulations for managing inflammatory disease, as well as extensive discussion on their limitations and future prospective.


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How to Cite

Kumar Anand , Sayak Khawas , Apurva Singh , Rashmi Kumari and Neelima Sharma. Recent Advances in Lipid Nano-Carrier Systems for the Management of Inflammatory Diseases: A Comprehensive Review. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2023, 11, 77-92
Recent Advances in Lipid Nano-Carrier Systems for the Management of Inflammatory Diseases: A Comprehensive Review

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