Ameliorative Potential of Aminophylline In Restrain Stress Induced Behavioural and Biochemical Alterations

Published: November 2, 2017


  • Rajneet KaurChitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab, India
  • Manjinder KaurG.H.G Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Gurusar Sadhar, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Poonam AroraG.H.G Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Gurusar Sadhar, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Aminophylline, Behavioural alterations, Biochemical alterations, Restraint stress


This study is designed to investigate the attenuating prospective of aminophylline in immobilization stress generated behavioural changes in rats. Animals were exposed to restrain stress before being subjected to varying doses of aminophylline (1mg/kg, 2mg/kg and 4mg/kg). Behavioural changes were analyzed to assess the intensity and the degree of the stress, by estimating the changes in the exploratory behaviour, spontaneous activity and social behaviour using various paradigms. As a consequence of stress, the behavioral patterns so changed were assessed in the terms of changes in the locomotor activity, number of head dips and increased avoidance behaviour. Aminophylline (4mg/kg) modulated the stress produced changes in the behaviour and oxidative stress generated biochemical alterations in a significant manner (p<0.001). The results so obtained suggest that upon exposure to stress, animal behavioural patterns, biochemical markers levels changed and these changes wereefficiently modulated by aminophylline at therapeutic doses.


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How to Cite

Rajneet Kaur, Manjinder Kaur, Poonam Arora. Ameliorative Potential of Aminophylline In Restrain Stress Induced Behavioural and Biochemical Alterations. J. Pharm. Technol. Res. Manag.. 2017, 05, 117-133
Ameliorative Potential of Aminophylline In Restrain Stress Induced Behavioural and Biochemical Alterations

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