Mechanistic role of herbals as alternative therapy for epilepsy


Botanicals and herbs have been used by people with epilepsy for ages in various cultures across the world. Patients in both developing and developed nations are currently using herbal remedies to manage seizures or side effects from antiepileptic medicines (AEDs). The deleterious effects of AED medication have a greater impact on the patient's life than seizures. Alternative remedies should be used to treat and manage epilepsy because synthetic pharmaceuticals have risks. Epilepsy may be managed and treated using herbal medicines that have fewer negative effects than pharmaceutical medications. Therefore, the current review discusses about the herbal drugs used in treatment of epilepsy

  • Page Number : 13-20
  • Keywords
    Herbals, GABA, NMDA, neurons, Anti-convulsant, Epilepsy
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Diksha Sharma
    • Veerta Sharma
    • Gaaminepreet Singh
    • Thakur Gurjeet Singh
    • Amarjot Kaur Grewal


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  • Published Date : 2022-05-07