Moorva – A Drug Of Controversial Identity: Review


Introduction: Over the past few years, there has been a huge surge of interest towards Ayurvedic system of medicine, and it has become a subject of intensive research for various aspects. However, variation in the languages and prevalence of folklore medicines has led to confusion in the true identity of different plants having similar name. Moreover, the description of a plant in the ancient literature is found in verses, having ample use of synonyms. These synonyms have caused controversy in the identification of plants and, hence, the correct source of the plant could be misleading.

Background: Since herbal products are generally prepared using extracts of plants known for particular activity, the controversial source sometimes may lead to preparation of inefficacious medicines.

Review Results: Substantial efforts are being made to standardize the Ayurvedic crude drugs as well as finished Ayurvedic medicines. However, these initiatives imperatively need establishing correct identity of the plant drug. Moorva is an important controversial drug in Ayurveda. Its roots are used for thetreatment of various disorders. Five different plants are considered as Moorva throughout India. Only preliminary pharmacognostic reports are available on these five species.

Conclusion: The present review aims at differentiating these five sources of Moorva roots, i.e., C.fragrans, H.isora, M.arenaria, S.roxburghiana and Marsdeniatenacissima.

  • Page Number : 3-11
  • Keywords
    Moorva, Ayurveda, Controversial species, Sandigdhadravyas, Charaka
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Gulsheen
    • Anupam Sharma


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  • Published Date : 2022-05-07