Antihepatotoxic Potential of Citrullus colocynthis Root Extract, Fractions and Isolated Compounds


Medicinal plants are considered to be effective and safe alternative treatment for liver toxicity. The article reveals the hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extract of the roots of the Citrullus colocynthis commonly known as INDRYAN using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) experimental model in albino rats. After receiving significant protection of Ethanolic extract on liver the extract further undergone fractionation into three fractions & the activity was localized in the toluene fraction. These on purification led to the isolation of two pure compounds which were identified as - Cucurbitacin B[1] and Colocynthin [2]. The pure compound shows reduction in enzymatic level viz. (SGOT 68.09%, SGPT 63.64%, ALP 76.81%, BL 68.22%) and (SGOT 71.28%, SGPT 65.24%, ALP 80.68%, BL 54.92%) at 50 mg/ kg dose respectively whereas drug Silymarin showed reduction as (SGOT 79.73%, SGPT 74.26%, ALP 87.88%,BL 82.75% ) at 25 mg/kg dose level. On comparing the obtained data it was observed that the roots of C. colocynthis Sch. exhibited significantly better hepatoprotective activity, thus justifying the traditional claims.

  • Page Number : 137-143
  • Keywords
    Citrullus colocynthis, hepatoprotective, toluene fraction, isolation, ethanolic extract.
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Alok MukerjeeUnited Institute of Pharmacy, UCER, Allahabad, India
    • Shanti Bhushan MishraUnited Institute of Pharmacy, UCER, Allahabad, India
    • Shubhini SarafDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India


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  • Published Date : 2014-11-30