UV Method Development and Validation of Ellagic Acid for its Rapid Quantitative Estimation


Development and validation of a simple UV- Spectroscopy method was done for the quantitative analysis of Ellagic Acid (EA). The stock solution of 50μg/ml was prepared and scanned, for which absorption maxima was found to be 277nm. Further dilutions to different concentrations (1-5μg/ml) were prepared and analyzed at 277nm. The method so developed was validated as per ICH guidelines for: linearity, robustness, precision, accuracy, limit of detection and quantification. The Lambert- Beer’s law is followed in the range (1-5μg/ml) with correlation coefficient value 0.9994. It was observed that the method is precise and accurate for EA analysis with good recovery percent of 94.47% to 106.83%. The method developed was further employed for determining the entrapment efficiency of ellagic acid and its release from its nanoparticle dosage form. The method may be utilized for determining the concentration of EA when present as formulation and in combination with other drugs.

  • Page Number : 01-05
  • Keywords
    UV-Spectroscopy, Validation, Ellagic Acid, Correlation Coefficient, Precision, Robustness
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Harsheen Kaur Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida, UP- 201303, India.
    • Arti Thakkar Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida, UP- 201303, India.
    • Kalpana Nagpal Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida, UP- 201303, India.


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  • Published Date : 2019-05-10