The Effect of Modification Methods on the Properties of Lentinus Tuber Regium Powders


The current work considered the influence of methods of modification on the physical characteristics of Lentinus Tuber Regium (LTR) powders. The sclerotia of the LTR was pulverized to 250.0 μm and coded as native Lentinus Tuber Regium (NLTR-A). A 500.0 g of NLTR-A was submerged in 3.5 % w/v sodium hypochlorite and stirred continuously for 30.0 min. The resultant slurry was washed severally with purified water until it was neutral to litmus. The mass was dried in an oven at 60.0 °C for 2.0 h, pulverized (250.0 μm) and was noted as the modified Lentinus Tuber Regiumpowder (MLTR-B). Another 500.0 g of NLTR-A was extracted with 70.0 % v/v ethanol in a Soxhlet extractor. The resultant powder was dried at 60.0 o C for 2.0 h, micronized (250.0 μm) and coded as the modified Lentinus Tuber Regium powder (MLTR-C). Additional 500.0 g of NLTR-A was submerged in 600.0 mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide in a 1.0 L beaker and shaken constantly for 30.0 min. The subsequent material was splashed with purified water until the material was neutral to litmus. The mass was freed from water and introduced into 200.0 mL of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. It was agitated for 30.0 min in a water bath at 100.0 °C. It was flooded in purified water until it was neutral to litmus. The product was dried to constant weight at 60.0 °C and pulverized (250.0 μm). The product was coded as the modified Lentinus Tuber Regium powder (MLTR-D). Generally, NLTR-A, MLTR-B, MLTR-C and MLTR-D were investigated for their organoleptic, solubility, pH, moisture studies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffractometry (XRD), flow parameters and densities. The results showed that both the native and the modified powders were insoluble in water and most organic solvents. The pH of the derived powders was consistently higher. SEM and XRD revealed morphological differences in each of the derived powders, though, all the powders were non-crystalline. The respective modification methods brought about an improvement in the hydrophilic and flow properties of the modified powders when compared to the native form of LTR

  • Page Number : 23-30
  • Keywords
    Modification, Properties, Lentinus Tuber Regium, Powders
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Kenneth C. Ugoeze Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, 500004, Rivers State, Nigeria
    • Nkemakolam Nwachukwu Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, 500004, Rivers State, Nigeria
    • Precious C. Anyino Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, 500004, Rivers State, Nigeria


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  • Published Date : 2019-05-10