Development and Validation of Static HS-GC Method for the Determination and Quantification of Residual Solvents of Bromhexine Hydrochloride (BHX)


The determination of residual solvents in drug substances is the mandatory requirement by various health authorities in the world. There are no analytical methods available in the literature that can simultaneously separate and quantitate residual solvents in bromhexine hydrochloride (BHX) active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). This paper describes the development and validation of a simple, efficient, accurate, and robust static headspace gas chromatography method for the determination of residual solvents, namely methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, monochlorobenzene, and benzene, in BHXAPI. This new method has been demonstrated to be accurate, linear, precise, reproducible, specific, and robust for its intended purpose. The method gives very good sensitivities viz. detection limits for benzene is 0.4 ppm, ethyl acetate 2 ppm and for others solvents 5 ppm and precision (below 9.0 % RSD) for all solvents. The results of this evaluation strongly indicate that this method can be readily used to determine residual solvents in BHX.

  • Page Number : 217-228
  • Keywords
    Residual solvents, Static Headspace Gas chromatography, Method Validation, Bromhexine hydrochloride, Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Prafull MathurAnalytical Development Laboratory, Research and Development Centre, Dr. Datsons Labs Ltd,K- 4/1, Additional MIDC, Mahad-402309, India
    • Suvigya MathurAnalytical Development Laboratory, Research and Development Centre, Dr. Datsons Labs Ltd,K- 4/1, Additional MIDC, Mahad-402309, India
    • Anand Kumar MishraAnalytical Development Laboratory, Research and Development Centre, Dr. Datsons Labs Ltd,K- 4/1, Additional MIDC, Mahad-402309, India
    • Tanaji KunjirAnalytical Development Laboratory, Research and Development Centre, Dr. Datsons Labs Ltd,K- 4/1, Additional MIDC, Mahad-402309, India


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