Inhibition of Formalin Induced Paw Edema in Rats by Various Fractions/Extracts of Bryophyllum Pinnatum


Traditionally, Bryophyllum pinnatum is used in the management of arthritis and inflammatory diseases. However, B. pinnatum has not been analysed previously for anti-inflammatory activity. Hence, this study is designed to determine the anti-inflammatory effects of various fractions of B. pinnatum leaf extract using rat model of formalin-induced paw edema. Treatment with various fractions showed marked decrease in formalin-induced paw volume and edema in rats. The results of BPAAF treatment were comparable to standard drug, diclofenac. These results indicate that B. pinnatum could be developed as ant-inflammatory drug after further studies.

  • Page Number : 63-65
  • Published Date : 2019-11-05
  • Keywords
    Anti-inflammatory, Formalin, Bryophyllum pinnatum
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • RK Gupta
    • M Lohani
    • R Vishwakarma


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