Predicting The Potential of Convolvulus Pluricaulis Against Cognitive Dysfunction With The Help of Prediction of Activities Spectra of Substances Software


Objective: Cognitive dysfunction appertains to a loss in verbal, non-verbal learning, attention, working and short-term memory, motor functioning, problem-solving, and processing speed. The major objective of this study is to find out phytoconstituents obtained from Convolvulus Pluricaulis with the help of PASS software, which can be used in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction.

Methods: PASS is important software used in this study to find out biological activity spectra of phytoconstituents of Convolvulus Pluricaulis in the amelioration of cognitive dysfunction. The predicted biological activity was also compared with marketed compounds like Rivastigmine, donepezil, memantine, and curcumin.

Results: From the study, it was found that CP has great potential in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction. Many phytoconstituents of CP have free radical scavenging, antioxidant, and dementia treatment activity.

Conclusion: In this research work, information was compiled with the help of PASS software of phytoconstituents of Convolvulus Pluricaulis for its potential against cognitive dysfunction. Further research is required to explore the potential of CP phytoconstituents in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction.

  • Page Number : 171-180
  • Published Date : 2022-11-10
  • Keywords
    CP, Cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease, Curcumin, Rivastigmine, Donepezil, Memantine
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Vikas Sharma
    • Navneet Khurana
    • Sakshi Sharma
    • Soumik Chaudhury
    • Samriti, Talluri Sriram
    • Neha Sharma


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