Emerging Pathological Events in Liver Diseases of Pregnancy


Hepatic dysfunction in a gestational woman can arises from pregnancy-related factors, illnesses that occur concurrently with gestation, or previously existing hepatic disorders which is aggravated by pregnancy. Abnormal liver test findings occur in 3% to 5% of pregnancies due to a variety of probable causes, with clinical effects ranging from self-limiting to swiftly deadly. Abnormal liver tests in pregnant individuals are caused by four major conditions: (i) Physiological changes in pregnancy, (ii) Newly acquired Liver disease, (iii) Pre-existing Liver disease, and (iv) Pregnancy-related Liver disease. Physiologic changes in pregnant women lead to abnormal liver function tests. Hepatic disorders may result in severe illness and death in both mothers as well as fetuses. Quick identification of the disease is crucial, as in critical situations immediate delivery is vital for the mother and developing infant survival. This review focuses on liver problems that are specific to pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which appears within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, is connected to liver damage. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) is the most prominent all across the middle and the end term of pregnancy. After birth, pruritus and the related biochemical indications of cholestasis resolve. Both pre-eclampsia and HELLP (elevated liver enzymes, hemolysis, and low platelets) are severe conditions that arise in the last term of pregnancy. Acute fatty liver during pregnancy (AFLP) is a potentially dangerous, uncommon condition that can affect pregnancy's third trimester. This review summarizes the etiologies, pathogenesis, identification, and treatment of hepatic disorders during pregnancy.

  • Page Number : 123-131
  • Published Date : 2022-11-10
  • Keywords
    pregnancy, liver
  • DOI Number
  • Authors
    • Rajalaxmi Behera
    • Amit Kumar
    • Samrat Chauhan
    • Amarjot Kaur Grewal
    • Thakur Gurjeet Singh


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